6th November 2006 ======== DE_Star Map for Counter Strike: Source ======== Created by Robin "IZaNaGI" Molde ======== Build Time: 3-4 Months ======== File Size: 43.6+ MB ======== Programs used: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Hammer NotePad Pakrat VTEX Probably More ... ======== Recomended Size: 4-16 Players ======== Spawns: 16 ======== Map Time: 10am ======== Tested systems: AMD Athlon 64 3300+ (2.0) 1 GB Ram Nvidia Geforce 7300GS 512mb AMD Athlon 2600+ (2.1) 1 GB Ram Nvidia Geforce 6200 256mb ======== Comments ======== Thankyou for downloading my latest map DE_Star a futuristic themed map for CS:S. Based on a landing platform above a huge city, the map has been purposely built small to keep play fast and too the point. The texture set is 99% custom and comes with custom soundscapes to create as unique experience as possible. The map is fully BSP zipped for easy server sharing, fully support HDR and comes with bot support. This is my first CS:S map and my first release for over a year. ======= Briefing ======= A dark cloud is growing over Neon City, the fanatical terrorist organization 'The blah' has been destroying key locations important to trade and tourism. The most important locations are Neon's 4 Star platforms, floating landing ports that transfer goods and civilians to larger capital ships, destined for deep space. Now the blah have contacted the Mayor of Neon City threatening to destroy Neon's last Star Platform, crippling the economy in the immediate area, unless there demands are met. All civilians have been allowed to leave, though many lives are still in danger in the city below. CT's must stop the 'blah' by defending the platforms entrance which is known to have weak supports and the platforms core without this the platform would simply fall from the sky causing untold damage. With there demands refused T's must destroy the platform in order to strike a blow to Neons economy. Destroy the main entrance area, or destroy the core which will send the platform spiraling towards the City. ======= Known Issues ======= Not at all a bug, but its worth noting that the holo screens can NOT be shot through purposely to provide cover in the more open areas. ======= Installation ======= Unzip the contents of the zip to Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[yourname]\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\ ======= Special Thanks ======= The people at http://interlopers.net/ thanks for there support and advice during the project. My SEXY little Princess Nikki, her support is always invaluable during all of my 'little' projects!! 0MG XXX j00 XXX R0XX0R ======= Legal ======= Valve do NOT support the use of this file in any way and neither they, nor i will be held responsable for errors it causes!! I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using this file apart from the ones stated above!!! Robin Molde 2006 (KrispyTheKorn) Find me @ ... samurai_design@hotmail.com http://www.fettclan.tk