East Borough - Hostage Rescue by Will2k will2k@hot-shot.com http://will8k.tripod.com Background: 4 undercover cops went missing after their cover was blown during a botched drug deal with the local gang. Intel shows they are being held at an auto repair shop in West 137 street. The gang members are armed and dangerous and the threat of executing the officers is very serious. Counter-Terrorists: The life of fellow officers is at stake. The need for swift action is crucial. Rescue the hostages and lead them safely to the extraction zone. Take out the Terrorists without jeopardizing the hostages. Terrorists: The captured cops should be kept for further bargain with the police. They will be very useful for ransom or exchange with detained gang members. Prevent Counter-Terrorist force from rescuing the hostages. Other Notes: There are 4 hostages in this mission.