_______________________________________ TITLE: cs_meridian AUTHOR: K!LLER^WORM (David Mann) E-MAIL: killerworm@sbcglobal.net Website: www.killerwormdesign.co.nr _______________________________________ CREDITS: Some custom stuff by: The Cherokeeteam Nintendo 2012 Thomas Hess Other unknown... if you see a model and know where it came from please email me at killerworm@sbcglobal.net and let me know!! ________________ STORY: A group of US Weapons Scientists were taking a "vacation" to the Caribbean when a group of armed men took over the ship. They are now holding the U.S. scientists hostage and are threatening to kill them. You now have to enter the yacht and rescue the scientists at all costs.... don't let them be killed!! They hold very valuable information. _______________________________________ To install the map take the cs_meridian.bsp (map file) and the NAV and put them in Program Files/valve/steam/steamapps/youraccount/counter-strike source/cstrike/maps _______________________________________ Please inform me before redistributing on CD, DVD etc. NOT to be sold, modified or "plugged" into a mod without notifying me. Have fun and enjoy! -=Worm Maps=- ___________________________